This Month's Bible study comes from I Corinthians 15:35-58 and other selected scriptures.
You can find the answers in the scriptures provided!

   Recently, I came across a program about people who are paying big money to have their bodies cryogenically frozen in hopes of one day in the future being revived and finding a cure for whatever ailment that took their lives.  Paul gives us a look at how we can have immortality without having to go to this extreme. In fact, he shows us that there is only one way to have immortality and it is easier than being cryogenically frozen.  Paul discusses in the previous verses the differences between the types of flesh that God has created. We have a fleshy body and the fact is, when it dies, it rots!!
In other words, people who are having their bodies frozen, when and if they are thawed out, they will find that they are still going to be DEAD.  The flesh will begin to decay and rot. All the cells in their bodies will be totally destroyed. So, let's see how Paul handles those who deny the resurrection of our bodies.

1. The question is posed before Paul as to if it were true that our bodies could be resurrected, how are they RAISED up? And what will they become?
(I Cor. 15:35)

2. Paul then explains it in it's simplest form as a SEED when it is planted in the ground, it DIES, decomposes and ceases to exist. Yet life comes from inside the dead seed. (ICor. 15:36-38) (John 12:24)

3. Just as God gives a new body to that plant that rises from the dead seed, so He can give a resurrection body to the man who DIES. (I Cor. 15:36)

4. Paul goes on to explain that God has created all types of FLESH in the universe which are suited for all kinds of existence and if God can do that, he can design a body perfect for resurrection life. (I Cor. 15:39-42)

5. Focusing directly on the resurrection body, Paul gives 4 sets of contrasts to show how the new body will differ from the present ones. (I Cor. 42-44)
    1. They will have no more DEATH, SORROW or CRYING. (Rev. 21:4)
    2. They will have no more shame because of SIN. (I Cor. 15:56)
    3. They will no longer be frail in falling into TEMPTATION. (James 1:12)
    4. They will no longer be to the time and space sphere. We will live forever without
           the fear of dying.

6. Paul answers the question more specifically by showing that the resurrection of JESUS CHRIST is the prototype. (I Cor. 15:45-49)

7. He begins with a quotation from Genesis 2:7 with the addition of the words, FIRST and ADAM. (I Cor. 15:45)

8. Adam was created with a natural body, not PERFECT, but good in every way. (Gen. 3:1)

9. The "LAST Adam" is Jesus Christ. Paul is saying that through the first Adam we received our natural bodies, but through the last Adam we will receive our spiritual bodies in resurrection. Adam's body was the prototype for the natural, Christ's body of the resurrection.

10. We will bear the image of His body fit for HEAVEN as we have borne the image of Adam's on earth. (Acts 1:11; Phil. 3:20,21; I John 3:1-3)

11. KEY VERSE: People cannot live in God's eternal heavenly glory in FLESH and BLOOD as we are now. We have to be changed! (I Cor. 15:51)

12. The word MYSTERY in verse 51, refers to the truth hidden in the past and revealed in the New Testament.

13. In this case, the rapture of the church was never revealed in the Old Testament. It was first mentioned in John 14:1-3, when it is specifically explained and is detailed in in I Thess. 4:13-18.

14. The words in THE TWINKLING OF AN EYE is Paul's way of showing how brief the 'moment" will be. The Greek word for "twinkling" refers to any rapid movement. Since the eye can move more rapidly than any other part of our visible bodies, it seems to well illustrate the sudden transformation of raptured believers.

15. To herald the end of the church era, the TRUMPET WILL SOUND. Then will all believers be removed from the earth at the rapture. (I Cor. 15:52; I Thess. 4:16)

16. The DEAD in Christ will rise first and the living saints follow. (I Thess. 4:17)

17. Paul enhanced his joy at the reality of resurrection by quoting from Is. 25:8 and Hos. 13:14. The latter quote taunts death as if it were a bee whose sting was removed. That sting was the SIN that was exposed by the law of God, but conquered by Christ in His death. (I Cor. 15:54-56)

18. The hope of resurrection makes all the efforts and sacrifices in the Lord's work worth it all. No work done in His name is wasted in light of eternal glory and reward.   (I Cor. 15:58)

Now for the scary part! thought I was finished?? I want to share this with you who are unbelievers. Every man will experience RESURRECTION.  You will have a body suited for eternal damnation. Can you imagine a body that is TORMENTED day and night by fire and it never dies??? The Bible tells us in Mark 9:44 that the worm does not die, nor is the fire quenched!  Now, think of the worm that crawls out on the sidewalk and when the sun comes out, that worm shrivels away to nothing. It's flesh was not created to endure the heat of the sun.  An unbeliever WILL have a flesh that will endure all the suffering, pain and torment of a consuming fire that will never be put out.

The gift of salvation is free. All of your sins were bore on the cross of Calvary by the only perfect man, Jesus Christ. He paid the penalty for you and for me. As a result, you can receive the gift of eternal life if you would just put your trust in Christ alone. What must you do to be saved?? "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved!" Accept the fact that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for your sins, take up the cross, and follow Him in trust and obedience.